lady fatima smNow for the prediction (That never happened.)

The GREAT MIRACLE will take place at 8:30 on HOLY THURSDAY on the 13th day of April 2017, exactly 100 years from 1917, when the SUN DANCED AT FATIMA.

It is ironic that the date is the 13th----like the dates of the 13th of FATIMA. The event in the church is---- EASTER TIME. EASTER is that important event when the MIRACLE is to happen. I have taken to illustrate when EASTER comes in 2017 on the 16th of April. However, HOLY THURSDAY is (3) days before on the 13th of April 2017.
It will be similar to the 100 years, the King's of France delayed consecrating France to the SACRED HEART of JESUS. And it will be 100 years that the Popes delayed in consecrating Russia to the IMMACULATE HEART of MARY, along with the Bishops of the church.

The feast of a Eucharist Martyr is someone that has to still be martyred. I know who it is but I'm afraid it will not sit well with Catholics If I inform them who that person is.

Now, the prediction of the FORM of the GREAT MIRACLE.

Because the date will coincide with an important event in the church, and that event is HOLY THURSDAY, the MIRACLE will take the form of "THE EUCHARIST" we receive at communion, after a good confession.


When you look at the EASTER DATES below, you will determine how I selected the 13th day of April 2017 to coincide with the statement "Conchita" stated years ago. The time is short, even if you consider that the WARNING comes a year before THE GREAT MIRACLE. There will be also much turmoil in the years prior to 2017, when the MIRACLE happens. Wake up people and live in the real world, the year is now 2012.


4 April 2010
24 April 2011
8 April 2012
31 March 2013
20 April 2014
5 April 2015
27 March 2016
The lined-out years are because the dates don’t coincide with the stipulation that the MIRACLE will occur on a THURSDAY between the 8th and 16th day of the month. 

16 April 2017

HOLY THURSDAY will appear on the 13th day of April 2017
1 April 2018
21 April 2019

12 April 2020

HOLY THURSDAY will appear on the 9th of April 2020
4 April 2021  

17 April 2022

HOLY THURSDAY will appear on the 14th day of April 2022
9 April 2023
31 March 2024
20 April 2025
8 April 2026
26 March 2027

16 April 2028

HOLY THURSDAY will appear on the 13th day of April 2028
1 April 2029
21 April 2030

I believe that the GREAT MIRACLE will happen on the 13th day of April 2017, because it will be 100 years since 1917, an important date since SISTER LUCIA, according to THE LADY of FATIMA was to establish in the world the devotion to THE IMMACULATE HEART of MARY, which she did well in all her writings.

Also, Joey Lamingino (the blind messenger of GARABANDAL) will be already 87 years old in 2017 and he is to receive his eyesight at that time.

The GREAT MIRACLE could happen on the 9th of April 2020, or the 14th day of April 2022, or the 13th day of April 2028, but I don't believe so.