San Sebastian of Garabandal, Santander province, SpainThere are two formal messages from OUR LADY of GARABANDAL, the first on October 18, 1961 and the second on June 18, 1965. In the second formal message, of OUR LADY of GARABANDAL, OUR LADY states, "As my message of October 1961, has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one" etc., etc., etc.

In the LADY's first message, she stated, "We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance and visit the BLESSED SACRAMENT frequently. But first we must lead good lives. If not, a CHASTISEMENT will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very GREAT CHASTISEMENT will come upon us."

lady fatima smWhat does the LADY mean when she says, "make many sacrifices, and perform much penance? Under the Old Testament the priest offered a sacrifice of animals to atone for the sins of the people. The sacrifice of CHRIST on the cross put an end to the sacrificing of animals. We have to sacrifice more than animals, we have to sacrifice ourselves like CHRIST did to show us the way.

Nothing speaks of sacrifice like the cross. The LORD said that people should deny themselves and take up their cross and follow HIM. If you ask anyone if they have a cross, they will deny it, however we all have sins and defects and have the duty to make sacrifices.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said it best when he stated: "The worst thing in the world is not SIN, it is denying that we are SINNERS. SINNERS who deny there is SIN, deny thereby the remedy of SIN, and thus cut themselves off forever from HIM who came to REDEEM.

It used to be that Catholics were only the ones who believed in the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of the Mother of Christ, but now everyone seems to be IMMACULATELY CONCEIVED." Please pray now for Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's canonization.

Today, we all want life in its entirety-----without restrictions and sacrifices. We don't want suffering or the cross. We just want the good life, even if it is at the expense of others. Because of this, we may witness the CHASTISEMENT.